First off, thank you so much for your unending prayers. We so appreciate everyone’s incredible support and humbly ask that you would continue to hold Luke close in prayer.
We have had an amazing couple of weeks. According to our pediatrician, at this point in time Luke looks and is behaving like a very typical newborn. She said that if we hadn’t had the MRI in the NICU, she wouldn’t have had any idea that he was missing his corpus callosum. As we settle in with 3 kids (if that’s physically possible) we’ve been able to leave the house a bit more, we’ve gone to a lot of follow-up doctor’s appointments and have been enjoying life as a family of five.
Luke is very easy-going, happily puts up with the constant hugs and kisses he gets and loves his baths to the point of falling asleep during each one. Danny has deemed Luke as his “buddy” and would much rather hang out with him than his little sis who “messes up everything!”
Katie has a sweet spot in her heart for her baby brother, and I often find her kneeling over a sleeping Luke and saying in her sweetest voice “it’s okay, Mommy’s here.” After explaining to the kids that God make Luke really special by giving him six toes and that he may need a lot of extra love, Danny decided that he too had six toes when he was born.
This past week I read such an incredible blogpost from the mother of my inspirational and dear friend Katherine Wolf. In it, her mom referenced a verse in John: “As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?" "Neither this man nor his parents sinned," said Jesus, "but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life.” (John 9:1-3)
I was so touched by her post and shared this verse with Bob after reading it. Bob and I had read this before but had yet to think about it in relation to Luke. It is such an incredible verse and we feel it’s so applicable to us. In the nearly six weeks since he was born, we know from many of you how he has touched your heart and increased your faith. He's done the same for us. Pretty cool stuff for a baby who can’t even stay awake for more than 30 minutes straight. We will continue to pray that God’s work would never cease to be displayed in his life.
On Sunday, we ventured to church for the second time since Luke was born. As the church does just once a year, the end of the service was set aside for those who need healing to come forward and be prayed over. Not like crazy televangelist stuff, just a low key opportunity for extra prayer. Our incredible associate pastor, Pastor Care, prayed over Luke and anointed him with oil (which she was also able to do with him while he was still in the NICU). In her prayer, she referenced the same verse from John as above. Another verse she prayed is one of my favorites from Jeremiah 29:11: “For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Another dear friend of ours, Allison, blessed Luke with a huge bag of diapers – each diaper has a label with Scripture on it. When we got home from church, I changed Luke’s diaper and the new diaper that I grabbed was labeled with Jeremiah 29:11.
We are so encouraged and know that God is going to teach us more and more as we grow closer to Him.
For the time being, we are going to cease posting updates on the blog but we will continue to periodically update our new family website with photos. We know that many of you may want more regular updates, and we’d encourage you to just email or call us directly. We’d love to hear from you.
Thank you again. We credit your prayers for all the blessings we’ve experienced over the last two and a half months.