Hey there -- Hill and I decided to use this site to disseminate (that's right, I said disseminate) news and updates about Hill and the baby.
First, here's a cool ultrasound pic taken last night of Luke Palmer Smiley. It's the first time we've decided to find out the sex ahead of time, but after having this ultrasound last night, we decided to find out so we could pray for him/her by name. And no, Palmer is not a family name, unless you consider
Arnold Palmer family, which many golf fans do.
Okay, here's the story as things currently stand. I'm likely including not enough details for chicks and far too many for guys.
Sunday morning the two kids and Hillary woke up miserable. The kids couldn't keep food down, Danny had a temp, Hill was fatigued and stayed in bed. We tried to deal with it the best we could until the early evening when Danny's temp was holding steady at 103+ and he was getting more and more listless.
So Sunday night we took the 2 kids to the ER at UCLA to get treatment. While we were there, Hillary started throwing up. That combined with some other factors made everyone decide that Hillary should be checked upstairs in labor and delivery.
After some tears, the kids were cleared to go home where Hill's sister Whitney and dear friends Brook and Justin helped get them to sleep. Since yesterday, Hillary's parents have been watching them and they're recuperating just fine.
Upstairs, they hooked Hillary up to a baby monitor and discovered that she was having regular contractions a few minutes apart. On Sunday she was not quite 30 weeks along (roughly 11 weeks early). But these contractions were not unusual considering all the fluid she lost throughout the day.
The doctors figured they would get an IV in her, fill her with fluids and things would likely stop. She was measuring 1.5 cm dilated and 50% effaced at the time. The fluids made her feel great, but the contractions remained fairly consistent throughout Sunday night.
Monday morning at 7am she was re-measured and had grown to almost 3cm. They decided at that point that Hillary would officially be admitted. The first order of business was to administer a steroid shot. The purpose of this is to kick start the baby's lung development. That is often the last thing to develop and that would help tissue grow sooner than later.
Doctors also changed her meds to give Hillary a constant drip of magnesium sulfate which works to calm all muscles and hopefully slow or stop the uterus from contracting.
All day Monday the contractions did indeed slow and space out. They disappeared altogether late Monday night for an hour and a half but generally are there, just very infrequently. When measured again this morning, Hillary remained at roughly 3cm, unchanged in 24 hours.
The biggest issue on all fronts is just to delay the baby's birth as long as possible. Theoretically, Hillary could be in the hospital for 11 weeks. But every day she goes without giving birth is a blessing. And if they can get her to 34 or 36 weeks, they'll be ecstatic. No matter what happens, the baby will likely remain at the NICU until he reaches full term.
There is one other issue which remains unresolved. For a month or so now, Hillary and I have noticed and joked about how big her belly is. We even wondered if there was a 2nd kid in there somewhere. The truth is that Hillary just has a LOT of amniotic fluid. Sometimes this can mean nothing, but usually it means something.
Often it's a sign of a baby with diabetes, but Hillary passed that test a few months back. The next best guess is that Luke is not swallowing amniotic fluid as he should. It could be nothing, but there are a few possible explanations. One is that he has a neurological disorder, but ultrasounds and his in utero activity seem to point to the fact that he is okay on that front. Another possibility is that the problem is internal and perhaps Luke's esophagus isn't connected properly to his trachea. It's not a problem in utero, but would be after he's born. It would mean a surgery for him soon after he's born to repair. It's not super unusual, in fact the NICU here currently has a baby who had the same procedure, but it's no walk in the park, especially a baby born 11 weeks early.
BUT, all of this is just a guess at this point. There has been no official diagnosis.
Today we hope to have another hi-tech ultrasound to see if we can learn anything else, but for now our big prayer requests are as follows:
1) Pray that Luke holds off on coming for as long as possible!2) Pray for an answer to the excess amniotic fluid.3) Pray for miraculous healing if there are any defects or complications.4) Pray for calm and peace for Hillary. All told, Hillary's spirits are great and she mostly feels fine except when she's being treated like a lab rat or woken up during a rare moment of sleep.
Many people have kindly asked what they can do to help. Right now we're still figuring things out and the kids are stable at home. But if/when we think of needs, we'll let everyone know.
For now, prayer is the best way to help! If Hillary ends up feeling super stable for long periods of time, she might be okay with visitors, but generally we don't want her getting too amped up.
Thanks to everyone for their thoughts.