Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Day 25

First, one of our great nurses heard we were having trouble finding enough utensils and was kind enough to bring us a whole bag of them. I'm just hoping this was an unused bag she put them in and not a recycled one...

In more important news, Hillary battled contractions all Tuesday night and endured another shot of terbutaline sometime before sunrise, all in hopes to slow things down yet again. By late-morning, Hillary was still feeling them and becoming concerned that the meds were masking the fact that she was in full blown labor. For the first time in at least 2 weeks, one of the on-call doctors decided to check and see just how much Hillary was dilated.

If you're keeping score at home...
25 days ago, she was measured as "1 to 2" centimeters.
24 1/2 days ago, she was measured as "3 cm."
A few days after that, the doctor had her back to 2.

And today?

Doctor: "Maybe 2."

Huh. For all we know, Hillary was around 2 when we checked in May 3rd and never actually changed at all. Apparently her uterus is like that chair testing machine at Ikea that can squeeze a chair for a few years without ever wearing the thing out.

This is good news of course. The plan going forward is to continue to give Hill terbutaline every few hours and wait for those contractions to kick into high gear. Could be tomorrow, could be 2012.

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