Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Day 17: Rumors!

For most of the day, I couldn't decide if the highlight was taking a shower, figuring out how to put the heart monitor back on Luke (so that the nurses don't come in and do it) or completely destroying Bob at a fantastic new card game that his mom taught us (thanks, Jeannie!). But in the end, it wasn't any of those things.

After an impromptu ultrasound to check out my amniotic fluid (still in the normal range), the on-call doctor mentioned offhand, "So there's a rumor going around that you might get to go home on Friday..." This was news to us!

Excitement and fear quickly took over, and within twenty minutes I had a few dozen questions written down to ask our doctor in case that happens. If it does happen, like everything else we'll probably be told about 5 minutes before they want us to pack up and move out. Either way, it tells us that the powers that be here at UCLA think that Luke is looking more and more stable every day. We feel so encouraged that things have improved at such a great rate and know it's due to the prayers storming heaven! Thanks to all of you!

We will update the blog with any new info we receive, and now that I've made my huge lists of all the projects I want to accomplish during bed rest, I'd better get cracking!


  1. Oh my goodness!!! That is the best news...from our mouths to God's ears - literally!! I'm sure it would truly be amazing to just be home again, with Danny and Katie all the time again, sleep in your own bed...all those little things we take for granted. But just as long as they are sure you and baby Luke are safe to leave is all that matters! Keep us posted on any news at all, as we are always anxiously awaiting the next post! Hang in there Momma! We love ya'!
    <3 Joni, Phill, and Aunt Pat

  2. Wow! Oh I hope you do get to go home!! Great to hear that you and Luke are healthy too. We'll keep praying.
