Thursday, May 28, 2009

Day 26: From Hillary

Today has been a great day! I have had the least amount of contractions since being admitted to the hospital (only about one to two an hour) and am hoping this will continue until the real stuff starts. My belly is getting noticeably bigger (from the increasing amniotic fluid) and the nurses are having to come in and readjust the heart monitor on little Luke much more frequently because of it. Sometimes it's like trying to find Nemo in there. Back at home, Bob and the kids had a great time making pancakes this morning. All things considered, the kids have really adjusted to this whole new wacky way of living so well.

To keep me busy up here, one of the nurses thought I should learn how to knit and gave me my first lesson on Sunday. She even brought me needles (the only ones I can stand) and yarn. Immediately after her shift ended, I somehow got an extra loop in the scarf (yes, I am aware that we are approaching summertime) and was forced to stop knitting altogether for 72 hours. Lucky for me, my night nurse tonight is an expert knitter and has rescued me three times in the first 4 hours of her shift.

Other than that, I have so enjoyed the visits I get from the kids and am just trying to keep my days filled with projects so I don't get bored. We had our 5th room change today which isn't so bad because A.) I don't have to do anything other than hold on as they wheel me down the hall and B.) Each time we change rooms, it gives me a new view from my bed.

Thank you for your prayers! We feel so incredibly grateful to God that Luke has been given an extra 26 days in the womb.


  1. How awesome that your nursing staff is looking out for you and taking personal interest in your bedrest. What great people God has graciously provided you! Awesome news. We will continue to pray for every day little Luke gets to hang out in utero. Blessings and prayers from the G clan!

  2. Love the shot of you switching rooms! The last time I tried to knit anything was before Gianna was born, since then--NO TIME!

    Still praying for you guys!

  3. go go hillary the knitter. we're praying for you! i'm amazed by your patience. xoxo
